What is most important in creating a graphic design that will persuade someone to purchase a game?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

Post 10 open-ended questions for your second interview
  • Can you name some popular designers in this area of graphic design?
  • If you could make a design for any game, which one would it be?
  • What is one of your favorite game designs?
  • What is one of the worst examples of graphic design in gaming you've seen?
  • How much do you pay attention to graphic design in games?
  • When you look at a graphic design for a game, what usually catches your eye?
  • Has the aesthetics and/or design of a game alone compelled you to buy that game? If so, what specifically did you like about the aesthetics/design?
  • Sometimes, the presentation for games can be deceiving, tricking players into buying games that don't live up to expectations. This can either be good or bad. Can you tell me about one instance in your life where this has happened to you?
  • Would you consider graphic design for a gaming company instead of the current position you have? Why/why not?
  • Whose works would you recommend I look at for reference?

1 comment:

  1. Can you name some popular designers in this area of graphic design? What made them well-known?
    If you could make a design for any game, which one would it be? Why?
    What is one of your favorite game designs? Why?
    What is one of the worst examples of graphic design in gaming you've seen?
    How much do you pay attention to graphic design in games?
    When you look at a graphic design for a game, what usually catches your eye?
    Has the aesthetics and/or design of a game alone compelled you to buy that game? If so, what specifically did you like about the aesthetics/design?
    Sometimes, the presentation for games can be deceiving, tricking players into buying games that don't live up to expectations. This can either be good or bad. Can you tell me about one instance in your life where this has happened to you?
    Would you consider graphic design for a gaming company instead of the current position you have? Why/why not?
    Whose works would you recommend I look at for reference?
