B: Cite a source that helped you complete your work
- Gamasutra, IGN, and GameInformer were very helpful in terms of finding packaging designs and box art research
- my mentor, Inaki Serrano, was a big help in steering my project in the right direction
C: Check the side of my blog for my log of hours
D: Explanation of what you completed
- my mentor and I experienced the wonders of graphic design in gaming by going to stores and looking at packaging. We also did research on sales and contributing factors to the sales
Applied: How did this component help you answer your EQ?
- After doing work on Illustrator and Photoshop, my mentor and I got to play some games. We did it strictly for research purposes, not for fun (it was actually tons of fun, haha). We analyzed the themes and techniques used in each game and how it would better appeal to target audiences
- After that, we moved on to my second answer, which is packaging. We went to Gamestop, Best Buy, and other game sellers to examine game packaging. The games I had picked up to lok at subconsciously appealed to me as a target consumer. This helped me to research further into good packaging
I realized that I fall under the male hardcore gamer target audience. My mentor falls more under the moderate male gamer category. This was all a very eye-opening experience.
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